I can't look at my relatives
I hate them. Those are the only words I can say about them. They protested and revolted against the Shah because he was a "dictator". I asked them how was the economy during the shah and my grandpa said he was able to buy a house after he worked for 5 years with a high school diploma. Plus, the more you used electricity they would give you more electricity at a lower price. If it wasn't for the shah, my grandpa would have probably died at a young age in some random village. And then what did my grandpa do to repay the Shah? He became a Marxist. And my uncle? He was a student that also revolted. Heck, he went to Qom to become a mullah but left after a few months. And the worst part? They are living comfortably. Meanwhile, my life hasn't started and yet it's pretty much over if I don't pass konkur. I have to study at least 8 hours EVERYDAY plus classes even though I am a teenager. It's not fair that I have to suffer for their decisions. It has been a few months since I have cut all contacts with them. My parents are telling me I am being "unreasonable" and that our family is being "torn apart" by me. I won't go and curse them, but I have no obligation to be in contact with such ungrateful people. I won't go and visit such "relatives".