Why are Muslims/Arabs like this?
Sunni muslims constantly bash the Islamic Republic, saying they cooperated in the murder of hundreds of thousands of syrians, destabilizing the middle east and interfering in Iraq, which all of them are true but when an Iranian critisizes the Islamic Republic they become the fiercest defenders of the so-called Rafawid or Neo-Safavid regime, and call us White wannabe and boot lickers of the west. Heck, once an Egyptian travelled to Iran and said 80% of the population doesn't fast in Ramadan and then most of the Arabs/Muslims in the comment section said that we are "Sucking up to the west by not fasting" like what? What does it even have to do with the westerners? Westerners sure as hell aren't visiting Iran to see whether we fast or not. Especially after Oct 7. They have became even more of a defender of the IRI. Some of them even said that the Islamic Republic is "Last beacon of hope against Imperialism".
TL;DR: Sunni muslims/Arabs are hypocrites. They critisize the Islamic republic alot but won't allow an Iranian to do the same.