Dutch banks issuing debit mastercard/VISA?
According to official guidelines (eg https://www.betaalvereniging.nl/en/payment-products-services/point-of-sale-payments/project-dca/ ) all vendors should accept all debit cards from 2023 onwards (AH has been switching in the last few days) and maestro and VPAY cards will be discontinued in July 2023.
However, ING still refuses to issue regular debit mastercards/VISA, and I need them for online purchases and payments in the rest of the EU (some modern terminals don’t even support VPAY/maestro anymore, rendering my VPAY card very annoying and useless). The official solution is to pay for a credit card, but I don’t want a credit card.
I couldn’t find information online from banks and when they’ll switch. Anyone who knows about this?