What’s your experience with data connectivity on train/stations?

I’m a regular user of NS trains to commute to work, and i like listening to the radio in the mornings. My experienxe with 4G reception at amsterdam zuid station and throughout my trip to the hague is really bad: the radio stream drops often (and in Ams Zuid it just doesn’t work at all), and trying to do any work that requires an internet connection is close to impossible.

I’m curious, what’s yall’s experience with this? Do providers make a difference? Time of the day / how crowded it is? 4g vs 5g? How’s your specific route?

PS: i’m myswlf on kpn and 4G and do ams zuid - the hague, often around 9am and back 6pm. I’ve briefly tried activating 5G but it didn’t help and drained battery faster.