What should i Do

I’m on relationship with Her about 4,5 yrs ailey chai 4,5 months vayo khasai kura hudaina kei huna paxaina block garxa 2,3 weeks ani kholxa afai Hi vandai kati samaye i had control ki Uslai mesage gardina vanera usle mesage garn paxaina Man mandaina I replied her When i said unfollow gar tyo kta lai whats the prblm with you vandai she blocked me If she loves me then testo dherai mahina sama block hanthena hola ghari maya gare jasto ghari nagare jasto (yesterday she opened block ani i texted her temele ta tyo kta lai folow haneraixau They are close i feel jealous then she blocked me again) K garna khojya ho tyo kti le can you suggest me ekdam psycho huna lagi sake