Help my brother
My brother is 33 . He is introvert and lato ( can speak but don't initiate ) .he has good income of many lakhs and hajar . He is in hurry to marry because he is getting old . We have spent last 1 year searching for bride . He himself dedicate 10 hours per day messaging and following 100+ girls per day on insta . Total 5000 girls followed . We asked all our relatives , neighbours , friends to search for girl . We also signed up for dozens of dating sites and many nepali matrimonial sites . We also made huge poster and put it in chowk . We spent commenting on every girls fb post .khoji tibra gati ma gareka xau . Even I took 1 year gap to search girl for him . Tara ahile samma kt Pako xaina . He is avg looking avg height . 😭😭😭😭 Please guys koi kt xa bhane khojdai gara