It's just a matter of weeks...Nepal will surely be grey listed by FATF for money laundering...

Time and again, the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) has been pointing out the lack of adequate supervision in non-financial sectors such as real estate, bullion trade, cooperatives, and the casino sector of the country as high-risk sections for money laundering.

If Nepal falls in the critical zone, the country may face problems such as a lack of trade opportunities and international financial transactions, while facing a downgrade in overall country ratings. It might lead to further damage to the country's economy and reputation.

This should be the number one topic of discussion in Nepal...but majority are dumbfounded...informal economy control navayesma yo desh bandaina...aanako 1 carod ko jagga min valuation dekhayera 10 lakh ma karobar garera tesko implications k huncha...k ho informal economy...

It's the reason why public infrastructures are's the reason why our PPP is's the reason why taxes to GDP is's the reason why majority of mid class are asset rich cash poor...

it's the reason why corruption thrives...informal economy formalise navayesma government inefficiencies continues...

unregulated Border Bata markets are flooded with smuggled goods that are being consumed at mass scale...

unregulated private firms have sprung up without adequate laws and regulations or oversight at every sector after 2047 bs because of the war and the absence of local representatives for almost 2 decades not to mention the transition period of new constitution that prolonged for almost a decade due to different interests...

which has established this huge informal economy which is overpowering and overwhelming the official economy...

with high levels of foreign employment has increased banks liquidity at unprecedented scale fueling the informal economy...that hasn't translated to growth as banks capitalized on easy money supply by flipping lands...

land as the major resource for production has been dumping ground of that illicit illegal informal cash based economy...with land prices skyrocketing at unprecedented levels at certain areas...

result - massive tax evasion,zero production, informal power structures at every sector,syndication,mass unemployment,low growth,distorted economic projections,extreme government inefficiencies leading to more unemployment and foreign migration creating a perpetuating vicious cycle... 3 decades lost and being dependent on remittance dollars for basic things...and what happens when demographic dividend is over as well...we have created a remittance time bomb for ourselves...

Remittance time bomb