Extremely high taxes in Nepal
Foreigner living in Nepal. My income is not from Nepal and it comes from abroad. Bought items from the UK to be shipped here for personal consumption. Bought the items for 300 pound but, custom spike the valuation to 600 pounds. On top of that the taxation on shoes were 58% and other items were between 35% - 50%, this is crazy the level of taxation here. I ended up paying 52,000 NPR for items I bought for 300 pounds! I'm getting tired of getting screwed in this country for my money and strongly considering taking my family away from here to live back in my home country. The adage that Nepal is cheap to live, is not true anymore. If you live poor or in the village, sure it's cheap but, if you're living a middle class lifestyle ...especially as a foreigner, be prepared to pay exorbitant prices with very cheap or bad quality and nothing to show for it!