Becoming a straight natural.

I think I’m going to become a straight natural. I’ve been thinking on it for so long and I’m just gonna do it. I’ve weighed the pros and cons and the reasons for keeping my hair straight are just more appealing. I know, heat damage and whatever else are huge cons but I’m willing to risk that. With my curly hair, I can never wear it down because it’s unpredictable or it never looks how I want it to look. I have fine hair strands, so sometimes my hair just looks stringy. And to be completely honest, I just like how I look with straight hair. I think I’m very pretty with my curly hair, but I love how I look with straight hair.

I was thinking of investing in the Dyson air wrap so I could excitement with straight hair and new styles with my layered haircut more. I’ve been so back and forth because I feel like this is some form of self hatred (I’m a mixed 17 year old girl going to a PWI) or like I’m not appreciating my natural features, but I’ve come to realize that it’s not that deep. There are so many black women out there that straighten their hair just because they prefer the look of it, and that’s okay. It’s also a lot easier (for me) to just wake up and run a brush through my hair.

It’s just hair!! If I have any damage, I can easily just get a haircut. I’ve been natural my whole life and wore my curly hair out all through my younger years and the beginning of high school, and now I just want something different, and that’s okay. I know that according to a lot of people I might look “basic” or “self-loathing” because of how I’m choosing to style my hair, but it’s my hair and what I choose to do with it is my decision to make.