Current situation is really getting to me and I need advice

I currently find myself in a position that I would consider one of my worst nightmares. Unfortunately I have determined that I have been married to a female narcissist for the past 15 years. I have researched until the cows come home and if there’s a box to be ticked on the narcissistic scale I can assure you I’ve got multiple story’s that get that box ticked.

Looking back I cannot understand how I have been so blind to it all, especially given the families history with other mental healths and personality disorders.

I currently find myself cohabiting with her and coparenting whilst we finalise things.

I’ll admit a part of me wanted or even expected the hoover and it never came (separated 3 months) she’s gone into auto pilot and is actively sharing with others that we have chosen to separate. I am a reserved person and don’t want my business being shared publicly but I guess that this is outside of my control.

What I am finding extremely difficult is that she is texting me every day, and when she returns home after work is acting as if none of this has happened or is happening.

The mind games ramped up big time in recent weeks but then stopped over night. However yesterday she has shared online that our house will be going on the market for potential buyers, yet the person I share the evenings with is not acting in this way, and is in fact making trivial plans for our future even if verbally.

Such as stating what foods she would us to try, what furnishings we need for the home, inviting me to future family events.

Even her parents are blown away by her current presentation. A few weeks ago she demanded divorce and I started putting things in motion much to her delight. We have not spoken about this since.

I’m doing ok at the moment, but these two different personas are starting to make me question my own realities and making me spiral.

Help me understand what’s going on