Judge signed the divorce paper. It's final. Thank you all so much

Thinking back to when we were together, it was a nightmare and every day was hard. When I found this sub your stories, advice, and support got me through.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. With my whole heart.

I told a former therapist that getting a person to accept they're in an abusive relationship, especially with a narc, is no different than chipping away at a block of ice. From many people we need to hear it over and over again: this is abuse, and yes you should leave as soon as you can.

Then when we understand the message and get angry enough, the fire melts the rest of the ice and we set ourselves free from inside the trap.

You are all wonderful people for helping others through what is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, things to handle in life.

If you suspect you're in an abusive relationship, or if you're looking for the support to get out, come here every day. Post as much as you need to and read what others have posted and commented. YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS, and the other side is so much more beautiful and bright, waiting for you.