For research purposes - what are the lines your narcissistic/abusive partner uses/used?
This is a throw away for research purposes.
As a survivor of DA myself, I am writing a sort of self help book for victims and potential victims. I want to include a list of potential red flags to look out for, starting with the verbally/psychologically abusive/gaslighting phrases your partner commonly used. I would be grateful to all that are willing to share. Thank you for your answers.
Wow, I did not expect such a huge response! Thank you all so much for sharing your stories. I feel with all of you! There are many, many common things here, as expected... As I read through them I actually recognise that in the sea of all the obvious things, there were some I had not seen or realised myself, that were a clear tactic.
I will read through all your responses, but will not be able to reply to every single one. I want you to know that I am grateful that you have all opened up and shared. Thank you. Please stay strong, build back your lives, don't be ashamed or scared to ask for help if you are still stuck in that relationship. You deserve to be happy!!!