Clueless Millennial Fathers

Why are some of these young dads so clueless? I’m doing a nanny share this week, one kid is 11 months the other is about 1 1/2. We’re at the 1 1/2 year olds house and the dad works from home, mom is on a trip this week. First thing is that I noticed yesterday the kid has a diaper rash. I brought it up to the dad and he said “let’s attack it on all fronts” and to use cream and keep it dry. Okay sure, but I also noticed the kid is dirty, and in the same clothes I changed him into yesterday afternoon at like 2pm. Maybe give him a bath and change his clothes? Duh? Then, the kid was crying all day today, threw up an insane amount of food, I took him to the dad and told him he threw up, he said okay I’ll give him Tylenol, then comes back down stairs with him and is like “well there’s not much I can do right now I have to work” and goes “wait as long as possible to have kids” meanwhile this man’s wife is PREGNANT with their second. Like idk dude, maybe don’t get her pregnant again?? And I said he seems really warm, so he took his temp and the kids got a 102 fever. He goes “well that’s not that high”. I said, 102 is pretty high. He goes “the daycare told us to only worry if it’s over 104” ???? I’m sorry??? Over 104 you should be in the emergency room. Fucking dumbass. So I said “he should go down for his nap early” and the dad goes “no no that’ll mess up the whole night, I need him only on one nap” like dude, your kid is sick they need to sleep, sorry you have to be a dad that was YOUR choice. Then he’s trying to feed the kid again and he won’t eat, he’s like “cmon why won’t you eat?” And then he’s like well I need to call (wife) and see what to do…. Just totally clueless. Now he’s got the kid on a walk trying to get him to sleep. I texted NF of the 11 month old saying the other kid was sick and he goes “what does (other dad) think”? Like I don’t know idiot, the other kid is sick, yours shouldn’t be around them. Not rocket science.