Baby Exposed my Boob at the Table
I’m suuuure I’m not the first. And I def won’t be the last. But man was that awkward!
Long story short… it was dinner time. NF parents both home. Toddler and baby both at table. I was tidying up and helping with the baby. The baby liked my top.
It’s summer. I have no cleavage (just some little tiny boobies!), and I’m wearing a jumpsuit w a built-in bra.
The baby GRABS my jumpsuit and YANKS it down and my entire left boob is out at the table.
Mom, dad, toddler, baby and my boob. Bon appetite!!
Lord help me.
It’s after work and I am now at Trader Joe’s feeling like my left nipple is a laser burning a hole through my shirt and everyone can see.
From now on, I am wearing 7 layers of clothing to work, summer be damned.
Mother of god, may this never happen again.