These niggas gotta keep the shit they see on tiktok on tiktok
Yo I’m on the bus chilling it’s packed as fuck cuz it was delayed and everyone is getting on it. I’m on a select so I’m near the middle and I’m just standing their music playing and on my phone and while I’m wasn’t for me to get to my stop I get a tap on my shoulder from a lady talking about how some kid going into my bag while I’m turned. It can be my fault for not taking my bag off nd putting it infront of me but when she said that I turned around and faced the kid and he was some lil nigga who looked caught in the act and I didn’t really say much cuz she ain’t say he took anything but when I leave the bus and look at it one of my zippers is gone. I got a Nike elite bag and this nigga took one of my zippers. And I try to find bro to really talk to him but he disappeared we got off same stop and he was out and 2 more of my zippers was loose too so it’s like tf wrong wit kids like shit is really baffling. You gonna do some shit you see on TikTok in real life cuz it’s a trend? It’s my fault for not checking if anything was taken honestly but it’s like what is wrong with you, why would you even do that dumb ass shit. Disappointed in this generation man