Taylor Donoghue is the most annoying influencer!

Taylor Donoghue is one of the most if not the most annoying influencers AND I STAND BY THAT (something she wont stop saying lol)

The Reasons:

First, her voice.There is something about her voice that bothers me on a deep level. Like nails on a chalkboard. And she emphasizes everything way more than she needs to, as if she's making some groundbreaking point. Which leads me into the second reason.

Second, this girl thinks she comes up with these revelations that i would say 85 percent of people already know. Its always these hacks about beauty or food or her opinions about things. And she says them like shes the first person who thought of them and they're going to change people's lives when really its nothing we haven't thought of before.

Third, the way she talks about fitness and health rubs me the wrong way. It's subtle, and there are many fitness influences that i like, but when she talks about fitness and eating healthy she does it in a way that makes me feel like she could be fatphobic. She talks about her need to have a full face of makeup on and her hair done every single day, her Equinox gym/ workout routines, etc, her cooking, etc. it just doesn't give the vibes of someone who wants to help people or someone who is body positive. it gives the vibes of someone who wants to show off. And this is coming from someone who lost 30 lbs twice.

Fourth, in many of her videos she will stare at the camera and smile. Its a little bit creepy. There will be some text in the middle, probably one of her revelations, music playing and she just stares with this big smile. it feels fake to me. The majority of other tiktok people don't do this.or it will be her doing the smile and stare and body checking or just standing with her boyfriend. It's just weird to me.

Fifth, i despise when this girl complains about New York City. Now and was born and raised there and I don't plan on leaving. NYC is my soul city and its where i feel most comfortable and happy. But i do understand that its not suitable for everyone. That being said, Taylor is living a life that many many people would love to but will never have the money or means to. She lives in a beautiful apartment in manhattan (most people in the US can't afford to live in Manhattan), has a membership to not just any gym but Equinox, is very fit, has nice clothes, goes to fancy restaurants, shops at whole foods, etc. She is living the life. If she wants to move out of NYC, so be it. But I wish she wouldn't make it seem like NYC is bad, or complain about little things that bother her about NYC because there are thousands of people out there who dream of having her life and can't. NYC is a magical place that yes, isn't for everyone, but everyone who has the privilege of living there is very fortunate.

Sixth, her GOD DAMN HANDS. this might be the worst one. i get that some people like to talk with their hands, but to an extent. Every single video this girl makes where she's talking, she makes these dramatic hand motions right in the camera. Every single damn video. Look up "italian hand signal" online. For some reason, she does this one hand gesture in pretty much every video and i find it incredibly annoying. she could definitely tone down the hand gestures if she tried. Its annoying, distracting and unnecessary.

Now, when I first found Taylor's account a few years ago i really liked her and I have stuff in common with her; I also don't like partying, I'm part mexican but don't really look like it and we have the same birthday. But the more her videos came up on my FYP, the more they started to annoy me and started to notice these patterns. Her content is boring. Its repetitive, its not original, its not entertaining, and its not enjoyable to watch in my opinion. I just kept getting more and more annoyed by her until i recently decided to unfollow.

Happily ever after, the end.