(NYC - 46F) going thru perimenopause- HRT denied by 3 different doctors due to antiphospholipid syndrome (blood clotting issues) Seeking recommendations!

I posted last week on r/menopause sub because I have gotten denied by my Obgyn for HRT for me having antiphospholipid syndrome- a blood clotting issue which doesn’t allow me to take estrogen. After reading some insightful comments and links and listening to podcasts, I went in with massive knowledge and sources to two other Obgyn and they BOTH denied to treat me with HRT.

Today’s doctor said that majority of the neighborhood serving Obgyn will not treat me because it’s not state approved to treat people with blood clotting issues with any type of estrogen because patches/gels will still circulate thru the liver and will cause the possibility of a blood clot. If anything I will have to seek big hospitals like Cornell, NYU that maybe willing to risk treating me.

Looks like theres going to be a long journey ahead of me to find a hospital that will take my insurance that have advanced intellect and advocacy to treat someone with my condition. Do any of you in this sub have any recommendations to a doctor, hospital that will and have knowledge in working with someone like me? I will appreciate any types of lead. It’s heartbreaking to keep going to the doctors for them to flat out refuse any treatments or any other advices/ alternatives on my HRT journey that I will be living for many years to come in my life. I don’t want to white knuckle it while I may be prone to other risks.

Thanks in advance to any advice, leads etc.