Hi Guys...long time no see, this is from a fellow pwNpd
Narcissism is not merely a mental/emotional issue. It's a spiritual issue. This would be long and boring read for most people (maybe im projecting lol) but it's the truth. Read this just for knowledge, no propaganda. Just from My personal experience.
Our 'True self' as said by people here whom they cannot be, is our soul (aatma). We all are pure souls. A person/human nature can be good/bad. But a soul is beyond good/evil. False self is the ego (ahamkaara). It's fueled by fear, pride, ignorance. As per hinduism (the oldest religion in the world) there are three modes - the mode of goodness, the mode of passion, and the mode of ignorance. Hinduism is not only a religion, but a way of life. Great practices as yoga, meditation, even religions like buddhism and Jainism have originated from here. Even the concept of karma (actions). I'm an Indian born in a family believing in hinduism. 16 y/o, inherited this disorder from my grandmother because of genetics. True happiness = the mode of goodness and devotion towards an higher power (god). I see that we aren't able to love,because we mistake love for control and power or attachment. Surrender to any higher power you believe in. I believe in lord shree krishna personally. This is the purpose of our life. This is what differentiates us human beings from animals. You are free to believe in any higher power or not at all. I'm just sharing my gained experience/knowledge so far. I also see that many people here are afraid of death (including me) XD this is because we don't recognise that we are not this body but we are a soul. Our consciousness is highly underdeveloped. We don't have morals/values. We don't know what's good and bad. People say here that nothing is objectively good/bad but that's ignorance...We live in IGNORANCE. We are energy vampires, really negative people that's our basic nature. But the god/higher power doesn't differentiate. There's love and acceptance for everybody who practices devotion. Devotion is the important thing here. This is our prakriti (basic human nature) we can manipulate/hide/alter this through therapy but we cannot change it. We will be like this till the day we die. I know its a lil scary, but the truth. I see this in my grandmother, she believes in God but she is still a narcissist (nearly 60-70 years old). I don't say that practicing spirituality (hinduism) will heal you/god will change your basic nature. But that will definitely give you true happiness. Personal experience:- 15 years of my life I was brought up in a moral/value school and house and had really good friends with high values. after I graduated from high school, I shifted to a new place and completely got lost, went into deep depression. Lost all my old friends, lost touch with them completely, collapsed very badly, realised that I was a covert narcissist, the dots started connecting. I tried everything from ifs, cbt, dbt, schema, buddhism as a philosophy, loving kindness meditation, yoga/workout, mindfulness, Journaling, reparenting, Heidi Priebe...This was a temporary fix, won't deny the fact that it helped temporarily but I wasn't truly happy... something was missing. We aren't demons. We have demons inside us. And for that devotion towards a higher power is needed. That's the purpose of human life. We can chant the lords name, We can serve other people, We can be conscious, We have free will...
I love interacting with people like me here...makes me relieved that I am not alone..I love this community and the people here. We are bad people by nature, accept it.
I would sincerely urge people to read Bhagwad Geeta and especially to dig deep into Karma yoga...we have got one life, and human life is very precious. even I had just started to believe in god and my spirtual journey has just begun. I hope that i won't lose faith, I easily do lose faith when any minor inconvenience happens to me or if things are going really smooth >_<
We are really lazy and entitled people...Take responsibility, no excuses. do the work, do good deeds, never stop believing in God and chant any lord's name, any higher power you believe in. Always consume good content, and spend time with good people.
"When nothing matters in life, what we do matters". (Karma/actions)
People here run behind money, lust, physical appearance, respect/approval from people, nothing would give you the true happiness. We have come alone and we have to die alone, leaving everything behind here. Lord wants us to take his name. So that we reincarnate, and attain moksh (liberation from the cycle of birth and death). Truth is always bitter.
Therapy is nothing but a mechanism to alter our actions, which is already stated in bhagwad geeta in Karma yoga. It's to control our senses.
Just as y'all read Buddhism as a philosophy, I would request to read more on Hinduism as well. It will surely benefit you, you can start from simple Om chanting...I see that people in recovery here unconsciously practice hinduism for healing. God loves us all. Goodness always wins over evil (lesson from Ramayana, a Hindu epic) I can see people and even myself trying to be good people, as goodness will always always win over evil. We all are bad people by nature but we now strongly believe in goodness by our life experiences, and when we try to change it we feel enormous amounts of shame because we aren't good by basic human nature.
Peace ❤️