PPROM at 25wks. Currently 26.5 in Antepartum, have started bleeding

31F. This is unlike anything I’ve ever gone through, both birth (I had 3 full-term homebirths) and in generality of life. For all of the PPROM mommas, God bless you! God help me!

The ups and downs, the unknowns. This entire pregnancy has been fraught with an abnormally large Subchorionic Hemorrhage which caused me to daily spot “old blood” in small to medium amounts since October 23rd.

On January 11th, my waters broke and I came into the hospital January 14th. The 3-day lag being that I became so accustomed to losing fluid/blood, even though it was a huge amount, we hoped it was the large SCH finally draining.

Luckily my midwife brought an amniswab over which went on to test positive. I’d read so much about PPROM being an outcome of SCH that I knew what I was walking into in terms of a long hospital stay… or so I thought.

As of the past ~48hrs I’ve started bleeding with my leakage and while Doctors noted the SCH is “gone,” they also keep referencing they expect my current bleeding may have something to do with it.

I was moved back into labor and delivery last night for constant monitoring and baby sounds wonderful. He’s consistently not been the issue, it seems my body is.

No pain, no cramping, nothing. Just blood. I’m already weary from seeing so much blood during this pregnancy.

Doctors and nurses don’t seem concerned with the blood, but I can’t wrap my head around reality. I wish I could just be medicated to sleep for the next 8-weeks. Making it to 34wks seems utterly impossible. Bleeding for unknown reasons doesn’t seem safe. And I’m usually optimistic…

Did anyone experience PPROM bleeding with leakage and go on to have a safe outcome? I’m lying here listening to the wonderous sound of baby’s heartbeat and for his sake, I could really use encouragement.

Great thanks in advance and may this message find you well.