My Omega 300 baffles and end cap decided they had better places to be

So, here I am shooting my 300 WM to test some new loads I built. I'm pushing a 200 gr LRX at 2950 or so, and all of a sudden I feel an insane amount of recoil. After the WTF subsides, I realize my Omega is much shorter than it was 1 round prior. The entire baffle stack and end cap liberated itself from the steel cylinder it calls a prison. I found it 100 yards down range half freaking buried in the berm, with a rather large phallic shaped plug taken out of my plywood (4+ inches is large to me, give a man a break).. No baffle strikes (that I can see), no flaws in the brass, and no ejection issues. Straight up yelled 'YEET'. I'm (de)baffled on what happened. Best I can tell, the welds failed. The funny thing is, this bullet pretty much stacked with the other four previously fired freedom seeds. I'm about 3/4 MOA with the 5 bullets and 4.5 MOA if you count the baffle stack hole.