take on NDE's and the afterlife
"Someone presented the idea to me that capital L, Life, is biased toward itself. Its easier to dismiss NDEs when you consider this. Since life is unique in the universe, we humans like to have our little egos and assume that we aren't part of the universe. Kind of like, "of course there must be more life after I die, life is awesome!" Its possible the ideas of "afterlives" is just a product of that bias. NDEs are just post-hoc affirmations to some that there is proof of that continued life after death. Consider, the natural state of the universe isn't Life, we are the exception to the vast empty dead of the cosmos."
this is not my take , but it honestly describes my take on the afterlife the best , how can i stop worrying about this? i'm kinda afraid that all afterlife phenomena are just biases , help me out if u can please