[2083] Cutting Players Thread
Use this thread to designate your cuts for the 2083 season
The maximum roster size is 13 players. If you have more players than 13 following recruiting and progression, you’re obligated to cut down to 13, either by cutting walk-ons (no penalty), or scholarship players (loyalty penalty).
Cutting a scholarship player normally costs you -25 loyalty. There are a few exceptions to this rule, however:
You are allowed to deny a player instead of cutting them for a -15 loyalty point hit. It can be used on any type of recruit (GT, JUCO, High Schooler), but to deny a player the following conditions must be met:
It must be during the period beginning with recruiting and ending with progression. Any cuts after progression are still worth the -25 point hit. It can only be used once per recruiting cycle. Cutting previous coach’s scholarship players: A coach to a new team that had inherented scholarship players may cut any and all of those players for no penalty in that coach's first year.
In addition to cutting scholarship players, there is an extension to this rule that applies to all players after CPR: for each player on your roster that is over the 13 man roster limit, you must cut and will be given loyalty hits for each player (note: these do stack). This applies to walk-ons and scholarship players. If it is a scholarship player that is cut, the penalty for cutting a scholarship player also stacks with the above penalty. The scale for each loyalty hit is in a fibonacci sequence starting at 2, which is detailed below:
1 player | 2 points
2 players | 3 points
3 players | 5 points
4 players | 8 points
5 players | 13 points
6 players | 21 points
In addition to cutting players in general, if you over-sign the 18 man roster limit for any reason, then it is a -5 point loyalty hit per player.