Is something changed with the AI this weekend?
I'm in on the beta AI, and this weekend I feel like it's been acting like the old AI.
What I've been having happen.
Re-introduction of the characters nearly every chapter.
On average, I'm getting 1200 character storys. One chapter, I tried a longer input, and put in a 1200 character input, and I got a 1000 word chapter, and I lot of what I put in was skipped. A different chapter I tried putting (Long chapter) at the beginning hoping that would help, no change.
In a couple of stories, I've had a certain male body part being used in 2 places at once.
This last one, I hadn't tried with the new AI until this weekend, but the old AI struggled with this, to the point I just gave up on that character. A transwoman character that it mixes up the body parts, or sometimes even has both. I expect that there would be some confusion by the AI on that one as I'm assuming the pronoun throws it off, and sometimes a regen fixed it, others times after few regens, still confused, even when promoting the AI how a certain body part is used.
All this is not a complaint, I am intending this to be feedback. Overall, I'm enjoying using your site. And the communication and engagement with the users is awesome.
Keep up the great work.