Are dev against gay or anal sex?

Hi guy,

I recently try MySV, and I was really surprise by something : why scat is forbidden ?

Some context (and sorry for my poor English): I’m gay and I like anal sex. And if you never had someone in your butt you maybe ignore it but : it feel like pooping.

Most of the time people are embarrassed to admit it but : anal sex is enjoying the feeling of pooping. And, in real life, sometimes you poop during anal sex and if you partner is not a bastard, it’s ok, it even can became playful.

But not in my spicy vanilla.

Why the hell a legal fetish between 2 consenting adults is next to rape or pedophilia in your forbidden list?!

Why a body fonction is forbidden? (And for the record I try to make my character to pee and there is no problem whit that..?)

Did the dev’ are know to have something against gay (or even women who like anal)?

Why they do that?