Divorced recently, Talaq period ends in 1 week

Assalamualaikum everyone and Ramadan Kareem. I'm 30 years old man, and I divorced from my wife (25F) of 3 years. She's Catholic Christian, who didn't really practice. Our Nikah was forced not to fall into Zina, and I was happy with it but she just did it just cause. We met in Uni, she was exchange student and we "fell in love". She was caring and loving and made me feel better about myself. Increased my self-esteem. I'm very traditional man, so I try to take care of everything and make life easy for my wife. (I was married once before, but divorced due to her disregard on me and seeking attention from others). She was from Spain and she moved to Finland where I live. I provided everything for the first half year, paid everything. Set her up a work and took care of her, emotionally, psycologically, and physically. She was happy with everything. She thought she was asexual before me. She said she'd never gotten love like mine. She said she felt more safe with me that with her dad, which she has good relationship.

Probelms came slowly. She's a doctor from Spain, but Finland has better possibilities, so she moved here. I am also recently graduated doctor and I started my residency right away, working 70h a week. I would work nightshifts too where I wouldn't sleep almost at all and come home at 9am and she'd let me sleep till 12-13 and wake me up to go out or do things, knowing I was exhausted. I still did that because, love makes you dumb things. She's also doctor, but she had more simple job and no weekend jobs. I'd also help her with her job and help her prepare day before. At home we did all work together, cooking and cleaning. Bills, fixing, groceries and all that I did it myself. She never walked anywhere, her hobbies included, I always drove her, to make it easy for her. I started practicing my Deen even more, and as I learned more, I started to do more to try to be the best to my wife. I would tell her what I'd want but she would say it's not her religion and she doesn't have to do those things. It became opposite, she actually started asking more things. I actually started beginning burned up to the level that I didn't have energy to have intimate relationships. She started asking for it like a business appointment. "Hey, I want it today evening" and walk away. Basically, I'd have to initiate and seduce her, but she didn't do it herself. Do mind, she's not very shy type.

We'd travel 2 times a year abroad. Keep in mind, I dont make much, and I was paying everything in the beginning so it was hard to be able pay for all. She started being more demanding and filling my demands. I couldn't tell get what to do. Like dressing more modestly etc. Few times there was fights where she disrespected my in the public, in front of other people and she really didn't see problems with that.

I gave up on us last 6 months and stopped putting effort and helping much at home. She couldn't handle it and we broke up, and I gave my Talaq. I asked her not to tell our friends yet, since I wasn't ready, she promised she wouldnt. We continued as friend and I helped her to get new apartment and helped her build it up with furniture and buy everything she needed. During this we made a small trip to meet our friends for few days. She had told them on the first or second day.... I found out only 1 month after that, all the while I was helping her with all and teaching how to drive car. When I asked if she told, she denied and disrespected me. I told that friends told me and she said sorry and ghosted me. Few times after that I went to get place to bring few things of hers and she was not even decently remorseful, she actually justified lying, because it would help me move on...

Alhamdullilah, I getting stronger in my Deen. I trust Allah knows best and he saved me from bad relationship. I wanted kids for so long, but she didn't want it yet. Maybe 2-3 years later she might want. I couldn't want that long. I'm scared to think what would've happened if we had kids.

I heard from a common friend that she's sad and crying for lying to me and if she's bad person. I feel like that's still selfish, she's sad about herself, but not all the sacrifice I did for her. Does she even see my value?

Honestly, I'm holding myself from contacting her and comfort her, even after all the betrayel and using me. I just hope to find proper peace. All I want is to build a family, have a wife and kids for whom I would work and make life.

I do have Tawakkul, and have left it in Allah's mercy and I'm sure he'll guide me, but emotions are are bit crazy. Luckily, he has provided me with a lot of ease, and I'm so much better now, and I feel like I'll forget and move on by end of half of this year.

I'm just ranting. Thank you for reading. Feel free to comment.