Today I picked up my new birth certificate... and I also got misgendered for the first time in a very long time.

So today I went to the office to pick up my new birth certificate, with the correct name, so I can get my new ID. I went to the front desk and announced I was there to pick up a birth certificate with a changed gender and name. This was a very small office, by the way.

So I was told to take a seat, and after a few minutes, a worker sitting on a desk next to the front desk sir'd me as he told me to come to his desk. I tried to not let it get to me, and I gave him the information he needed. He brought me the new birth certificate, and even after he said my chosen, clearly female name outloud to confirm the birth certificate was mine, he told me to "have a nice day, sir" as I left.

Now, this made me feel like crap for the rest of the day, as I usually pass really well to the point where I'm asked about my last menstrual period when I go to the doctor. I then realized it was entirely plausible this guy might have overheard me talking about being there for a rectified birth certificate with a gender change, + my non-100% passing voice, and he was just being a jerk.

I was wearing no makeup and boyish clothes, but that hasn't really been an obstacle for me passing before. So I just assume this guy was being an asshole for the sake of it. Still, the idea that he might've clocked me based on looks only really concerns me.

So this should be a day of celebration for me, but I'm just feeling confused and worried.