Does anyone relate to this?
So I’m pretty much pre everything, haven’t started transitioning physically. I’ve been thinking about voice training a lot recently, but is it just me or does it feel really awkward and embarrassing to practice around people you know?
Even if I’m really close to the person it feels really weird cause they’ll be aware It’s not my natural voice and it just.. I don’t know how to describe it. It makes me feel so weird that I just want to completely start over and be able to voice train and have nobody know what my voice originally sounded like.
And I obviously don’t actually want to completely start over because I have people I care about and am really close too but augghh it’s just a big barrier I don’t know how to overcome. I know they accept me and love me and would be fine with me voice training it just feels SO SO weird. I wish I had a better way to describe the feeling… maybe it’s just my anxiety.
Do any of y’all relate and/or have any tips and overcoming this feeling?