Enough complaining about Endgame/Monsters/Performance. Can we talk about the real issues?

The Ui and Camp experience are absolutely dreadful.

There's too many submenus, and it's all very messy. As a 500 hour World veteran I'm already ovewhelmed, I can't imagine what it's like for a new player. There are an unnecessary amount of menus and their all infuriatingly archaic, not to mention ugly. Worlds menus were black boxes with readable white text, why is every Wilds menu the same shade of puke Green?

The Smithy is the worst offender. Why is comparison and skill info in a submenu? I have to go through multiple menus to check the armour skills of different sets. Why did they add an extra data tab making the screen even busier? Why is the armour selector so much bigger than World but somehow show almost half the options? Why is my Hunter so small in this screen? Worlds Smithy was a small dark room with good lighting in a black box to easily see what all the armour looks like, why am I in the middle of a dusty camp subject to weather effects? WHY IS IT ALL GREEN

The camp is equally as archaic. Why do I need too talk to an npc for my login rewards and why is it multiple buttons? Why do I need a loading screen to access the item box? Why did they add a consumable ingredient system for eating? Why is the monster field guide so small and squished? Why is it multiple windows? It's much more annoying to quickly look at what monsters weaknesses are. Why is performance in the camp so bad? I have an older PC so I expected some performance issues, but why does my game run worse when I'm walking in camp then when I'm fighting monsters? Every change that was made to the camp to make it fit the "seamless open world" made it drastically worse in almost every single way.

Rant over. The game is really really fun and I think it's great but the gathering hub can't come fast enough, and they NEED a Ui overhaul, or a mod.

I miss Seliana so much