Have I ruined my baby’s life?
My son is 6m old and since then, he's been out in public only 8 times minus his doctor visits. We visit my mom or my grandparents a few times a week and have seen his other grandparents once since his birth (but that's a different story). It took me well over a month to be able to heal (I wound up with paralysis following his birth) and then our area got hit with a quademic and a brutal winter of record temps and amounts of snow and ice so he has barely even been outside.
Have I isolated him to the point of detriment? I'm a bit overprotective bc he's my rainbow baby. I want to get out now that it's spring and illness is dying down but I fear it'll be a lot on him. I just worry I'm not giving him a good life and am a bad mom...😔
ETA: I didn't expect this to blow up like this. No this isn't a troll post. I'm not intending to be dramatic or whatever. I'm diagnosed with PPD/PPA and I lost my first baby so I'm really struggling with anxoety, grief, and trauma. Thank you to the comments that were compassionate and understanding.