Can’t decide on sleeping arrangements! Baby due in May

FTM here, due in May. I made a post before and it seems like majority of people say bassinet is worth it for the convenience of not getting out of bed. However, we do have a very tall bed, so that limits some of the options for bassinets. It’s also hard to parse through the comments on bassinets when there are equal amounts of “we have this bassinet and love it” and “bassinets are a waste of money” lol

We do have the space in our bedroom to put a bassinet, crib, or pack n play next to our bed, so that comes with lots of options.

It also seems like there is a whole slew of people who prefer a pack n play over bassinet for baby.

In our situation, would anyone choose the pack n play over a bassinet or just putting the crib next to the bed? If you did this, which pack n play worked for you? Thanks!