What would your ideal meta look like?

Since this month is all about ban talk and speculation which decks will rise on top after (assumed) ring ban, a question came to my mind: What would be my ideal meta?

I'm not talking about decks that would be easy to beat for your deck but rather what would healthy format look like to you. You can name spesific decks and/or describe what kind of interactions and dynamics there would be in the format.

For me (and I bet that for the most of you) ideal meta consinsts somewhat equal representation of different archetypes: aggro, control, midrange, tempo and combo.

I think that for best format the most played deck or so to say "the deck to beat" would be some kind of midrange/control deck which has game against everything but is not shutting down spesific archetypes. This could be some kind of jund, omnath pile or jeskai control. It would also nice to see creature aggros like merfolk or humans to be more popular. Burn and prowess could be nice gatekeepers for slower control decks. Also big mana decks like amulet titan and tron would have decent meta share also. Combos, such as belcher and storm or semi combos like yawgmoth and broodscale would also be a welcomed sight to keep the balance so more aggressive decks don't get too powerful.