[Guide] Decks to beat Energy
Omg energy is so broken. Modern ducks now because WOTC sucks at designing cards. Modern Horizons has ruined the format. Net decking is so lame and needs to be banned!
Okay ya'll need to chill. Energy is a very strong deck, but its certainly not ruining Modern. It's not like Nadu where its resistant to practically all hate cards.
Energy is very beatable. But people are still losing their shit over it because people are halfwits. But don't worry. Auntie Izzi is here to save the day.
First we have to know which decks get cooked by Energy. Competitive Magic is all about knowing your matchups. If your deck is listed here, there's a good chance you're gonna have a bad time this format.
Here are the decks that lose to energy, and their winrates against said energy decks.
B = Boros, M = Mardu, J = Jeskai
A bad matchup is a matchup where the deck has a winrate of less than 50% versus another.
An even matchup is when the winrate is 49%-51%.
A good matchup is where the winrate is greater than 51%.
What decks lose to Energy?
Domain Aggro: B: 37%, J: 49%, M: 29%
Amulet Titan: B:44%, J: 32%, M: 63%
Amulet beats Mardu because Mardu doesn't generally run Blood Moon, so it is unable to deal with Titan's shenanigans. Jeskai just does control things and stops everything
Golgari Yawgmoth: B: 45%, J: 47%, M: 26%
Mardu really beats the pants off Yawg because it runs Thoughtseize and has Bowmasters to keep pressure on their small creatures
Izzet Murktide: B: 29%, J: 46%, M: 17%
Eldrazi Tron: B: 41%, J: 59%, M: 49%
Merfolk: B: 23%, J: 29%, M: 33%
Creativity: Small sample size. The few games that were played were mostly losses for Creativity.
Burn: B: 24%, J: 52%, M: 33%
Burn used to cook control decks, but the presence of Phlage has definitely made it harder for Burn to beat Control
Mill: B: 33%, J: 70%, M: 40%
Obviously, Mill destroys control decks like its nothing. However Boros and Mardu actually put threats down so they can actually beat mill
Hammertime: B: 40%, J: 33%, M: 0%
This sample size was particularly small, with about 10 matches for each, and only 1 match for Mardu
What decks beat Energy?
Dimir Murktide: B: 39%, J: 55%, M: 54%
When a tempo deck meets a control deck, the tempo deck tends to win because it has more threats other than "stop". However, it loses to Boros because Boros is much faster than the other 2
Ruby Storm: B: 55%, J: 49%, M: 52%
Even despite the hate that is very common right now, ruby still cooks energy
Mardu Energy: B: 52%, J: 55%, M: NA%
Mardu energy was designed to be able to deal with the other energy decks. Its essentially a rogue Boros energy deck that swore an oath to beat up Energy decks
Hardened Scales: B: 60%, J: 30%, M: 100%
The data is small, and while it struggles against Jeskai, Hardened Scales completely dumpsters the other Energy decks. The best part is that Scales has the best side against them in Whipflare, a one-sided pyroclasm that costs the same
Through the Breach: B: 50%, J: 56%, M: 45%
Grinding Breach Combo: B: 70%, J: 75%, M: 80%
The data is small, but the recent challenges don't lie. Grinding Breach combo is unironically a great underdog here since it is one of the few decks that actually beats ALL THREE
Best sideboard cards against Energy
Energy has a giant glaring weakness in the form of board wipes. Even something as weak as Pyroclasm completely empties their board, often times giving you the win.
VS Boros and Mardu
Red: Whipflare, Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Kozilek's Return
White: Suncleanser
Black: Toxic Deluge, Plague Carrier
Green: Play Hardened Scales... and side Whipflare.
Blue: Stern Scolding, Spell Snare
VS Jeskai
Red: Blood Moon
White: Celestial Purge
Black: Nihil Spellbomb
Green: Veil of Summer
Blue: Harbinger of Waves
Blood Moon and Harbinger are the absolute best counters to Jeskai. Jeskai's mana base requires a lot of color fixing because of all the double color costed spells. (2 blue mana for counterspell, 2 white mana for wrath and verdict, and they are locked out of escaping Phlage) If you stick a Blood Moon, you shut down most of their deck and you win because they have no way to remove out outside of Celestial Purge (or Discharge / Solitude for Harbinger)
Energy is beatable. It's not like Nadu. The only card that needs to be banned is The One Ring. Ya'll need to chill out.