Having less than 50% winrate is your fault

People are blaming whatever dark system teammates and match making or the fact that they solo queue when they should be blaming their selves. If you have less than 50% winrate with more than 2000 total matches and in every season after you end up with same winrate the same you need to ask yourself some questions.

Not being able to reach mythic or reaching it with an abysmal winrate is still mostly your fault.

When I'm playing and see how a team mate rotates, using skills and watches the map for ganks, what items they build and when you can immediately spot the low win rate team mates boosted by stars and protections.

The better you know the mechanics, champions how the game works the better are your decisions that stack up and lead you to win. I'm not saying that you will win every game but overall you should improve. Your decisions and game knowledge matters more than your loser MVP and the end of the match.

I wish we had a different system measuring the contribution at the end of the match to be more fair rather than the current star system.