In need of firmware 202407211632 or 202408061133 for Miyoo Mini v4

As the title says. Went to set up new devices, saw I was on 202407211632, saw 202408061133 exists as well, went to the main Miyoo site and did a firmware update and... instead it installed 202310271401. I cannot find a single download anywhere of 202407211632 or 202408061133 and want to rectify this and if anyone has a download of either that would be greatly appreciated. I also have a second device I was setting up that has 202407211632 installed on it already if there's any way to somehow take that off of that device and back it up to put on the other. That said I don't know of any way to access the files stored on the Miyoo Mini internal storage as the USB-C is charging only I believe and it has no wifi. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.