Should I be upset?
My husband and I lost our baby girl at 17 weeks gestation on 12/13. I had asked my husband to relay the news to his side of the family because I just didn’t want to (childish, I know but I just couldn’t handle it.) He relayed all the information to my mother in law and I expected she would reach out to me but she has not. I didn’t attend Christmas because I just wasn’t up for it and I still have not heard from her. I’m a bit taken aback because we have an amazing relationship, she was going to cohost the shower. I did learn from my husband that she herself had suffered a miscarriage, so I know this could be triggering. Should I reach out? Am I overthinking the situation? I just feel incredibly let down by someone I genuinely admire. I do want to add a disclaimer, I know no one is entitled to reach out to me or grieve with me.