To the woman who made a comment in the walmart bathroom…

Keep unnecessary comments to yourself.

I am going through a miscarriage, and the bleeding has really taken a heavy turn. I ran out of pads and had to take an emergency trip to Walmart. I decided to gets pads and the disposable underwear as I find them much more comfortable especially with the amount of bleeding I have. After buying them, I ran to the bathroom and switched into the disposable underwear because at this point I was using a paper towel.

As I’m pulling them on, a woman comes in and loudly asks why my pants are off (I had them draped on my bag, and I guess she was looking under the stalls). I just ignored her.

I put my pants back on and she goes “That’s fucking weird. What are you even doing?” I again ignore her.

When I leave the stall, she’s just standing by the sinks staring at me… I don’t think she even went to the bathroom. I just washed my hands and left. But man, I just wanted to yell at her.

Okay, rant over.