Need advice on how to stop obsessing.

Hey everyone. This is my first time posting on this sub and not sure if i am in the right place. I’ve been having some issues obsessing over and over about the same thoughts and sometimes i feel like i don’t know how to stop.

I had a friend/ business partner for about 7 years and we no longer speak. She stopped talking to me over a few things but the main one is she feels like I made more money than her for a while but she says we do the exact same thing and she works just as hard but clients were only reaching out to me for work. I get why she’s upset but i feel like i can’t control that. It’s been about 7 months since we’ve stopped talking and i guess the truth is, i am hurt. Just a few weeks ago, i reached out to her after not talking for months just to wish her and family well and she responded back with “I no longer wish to connect with you.”

I understand that I need to let go and move on, but she also posts on her instagram subliminal posts about me and how I was a toxic person. I’ve never been called toxic by any of my other friends so i don’t understand. I keep thinking everyday about it and go to her page to see if she’s posted anything new and i guess this is what obsessing means. I’m hurt, sad, and don’t like the idea that i hurt or made someone upset. I’m 32 years old but i feel like i act like a child.

How do i stop ruminating so much and just finally let her go? Thank you for reading. Just needed to vent.