How many of you are still living at home with your parents?

Im 34 (1990 baby) and have recently feeling like a loser for being in my almost mid 30’s and still living with family. Im single, no kids but with a great career (ICU nurse). I live in California which we all know cost of living is atrocious out here. My family doesn’t pressure me at all to move out because they rather me be fully prepared when im ready. So, i feel like i have it really good right now, im working to pay off my debt and save before moving out somewhere. The other problem is since i am single its going to be twice as expensive for me to find a place which makes me even more anxious. I just can’t help but feel like a loser for being single and living with my parents, like i should be out on my own and dating. I never got to experience living out on my own because through out my 20’s i was working on the nursing degree. Now that im full into my career i feel like i should be taking the next step to move out but i also help my parents with the mortgage payment so its not like im freeloading. Im not sure what im really looking to ask here but maybe some reassurance that there are other people in thier 30’s here that feel the same way i do:(

Edit: thanks so much for the positive comments from the majority of everyone! Im getting a small amount of snarky responses putting me down for having debt. Have yall not ever heard of student loan debt? Nursing school is not cheap or free and i only graduated 2 years ago. So for the ones putting me down, please tell me how perfect your debt free life is.

Second edit: im a woman lmaooo im getting some comments referring to me as a man💀