Samus and her Upgrades

The last day we had a few posts asking about how Samus loses her upgrades / suits with each game. There are a few theories like "Samus just leaves them at home" for various reasons, which, I think, is pretty stupid and lame. It actually is pretty straight forward for most of the time with a few stretches here and there.

Metroid 1:
The bare minimum you need to finish the game is the
-Morph Ball
-Ice Beam
If we add the Varia Suit to the pool, we are set to jump into the next game

Metroid Prime:
In between the games, Samus gains the Grapple Beam.
For the Ice Beam, there are two solutions:
1) Samus leaves it at home (Yes I know I just said that this excuse is lame, but who really wants to use the Ice Beam? So Id let that slide.)
2) Samus just doesnt use it on Orpheon and it gets damaged with the rest of her suit (This isnt reflected in Gameplay but would be small stretch and a valid reason in line with the story)

At the end of the game, the Metroid Prime sucks all the Phazon out of Samus and with it, almost all of her Upgrades.

Metroid Prime 2:
Samus loses the rest of her Upgrades to the Ing.
One problem in this situation is the Gravity Suit. So we either have to assume that the Metroid Prime sucked out Samus Gravity Suit as well or that Samus lost her Gravity Suit on the Dark Aether and didnt get it back. This doesnt get reflected by the models ingame (the suits Samus actually wears at the end of Prime 1 and the start of Prime 2) but I think that this would be a valid explanation.

At the end of the game, Samus returns the Light Suit and her Upgrades to the Luminoth, leaving with the Varia Suit.

Metroid Prime 3:
Samus starts with whats left after she leaves Aether.
As to why she loses her upgrades, I think there are three valid possibilities
1) The Phazon damaged her upgrades / suit to a point, where most of the items arent usable anymore
2) The Federation took the upgrades from her when dismantling the PED components from her Varia Suit

I dont see why the Federation should take the Upgrades from Samus so I tend to 1. The upgrades are damaged or are not working without Phazon / the PED Suit at all.

Metroid 2 - Return of Samus:
Disclaimer - I am the least familiar with this game, there might be an error here.

This is by far the hardest. You can skip many items in this game but if we look for a story reason why Samus loses the Morph Ball Ball, Bombs, Spiderball and Missiles, which is (as far as I know) the least amount of items you need to finish the game, there isnt really one.

My take on this is, that Samus suit gets damaged in the final battle with the Queen.
In the final fight, Samus enters the Queens belly to kill her and this process damages her suit and she cant use the Upgrades anymore. Again, this is the farthest stretch I have to make. If you have better ideas im open to it.

Super Metroid:
From now on, its pretty straight forward. You start with nothing and end with everything. Nothing to talk about here.

Main part of the story is how Samus loses her powers and how the SA-X replicates them. Only thing you can talk about is that she doesnt seem to wear her Gravity Suit, but thats only the sprite. She has to have it active as she later regains the Gravity Suit on the BSL from an X.

She leaves the BSL full powered.

Metroid Dread:
Samus loses all her powers to Raven Beak at the start of the game.
Her suit looks different from what we know from Fusion and resembles the Dread Varia Suit. But while it has the same design, we cant be sure that it actually has the same "features" as Dreads Varia Suit, as Fusions final suit also has the color scheme of the normal Varia Suit while actually being a Gravity Suit.
So there is nothing that speaks against Samus having her Fusion loadout, and what she has in the end doesnt matter, as we dont have a successor yet.