HRT Regret?

We see tons of posts and comments here from women who've had a great experience with HRT, and I love reading how it's helped them and improved their lives.

I'm curious if there's anyone here, however, who regrets taking HRT. Maybe it caused unpleasant side effects or didn't provide the improvements you really needed. If you have regrets, why? At what point in your journey did you start HRT? Did you stop taking it?

I'm not trying to open a can of worms or to diminish HRT in any way. I'm genuinely curious if HRT is universally loved or if there's a variety of experience. I'm 45, definitely in perimenopause, and possibly going to start HRT this year. I'd like to know if there are two sides to this coin. 😁

Also, I get really overwhelmed by huge comment threads, so if you love HRT, I just respectfully ask that you don't reply to this thread. Give a sister a break in reading through replies. Thanks and love to all of you!