Inconsistent Steroid Injection Results

I’ve been pursuing the full gambit of Meniere’s treatments with my doctor over the last 2 years. A few months ago I had my first steroid injection in the ear. It was amazing. I was 100% symptom free for a month (the longest I’ve ever been symptom free). After this time, symptoms and episodes gradually went back to their regular pattern.

I just recently went in to get a second injection and have had the opposite experience. No improvement, and I’m actually have more frequent episodes with less symptom improvement between episodes (I used to feel pretty symptom free for a brief period after attacks.)

I know that steroid effectiveness is not permanent and wanes over time. But this feels like an extreme swing from first to second dose.

Oral steroids have also been hit or miss for me. One time they cleared everything up, but all the other times they did nothing.

Has anyone had a similar experiencing with injections?