Shaking at Idle

Hi all. I have a 2010 Ford Escape, FWD. I have been having this issue where the car shakes excessively at idle when in drive and reverse. This only happens when in gear and at a stop. It does not occur when driving or in neutral. My first thought was motor mounts, I inspected all and found a couple mildly worn so just replaced them anyway. No change at all. Seems to be worse right on start while it’s cold. Things I’ve tried:

  • Replaced all 3 engine mounts
  • Replaced spark plugs
  • Cleaned 02 sensors and verified proper idle

Any ideas? A lot going around about this…possible clogged injectors, transmission issues, transmission mount, belt tension bad etc. Not sure where to start.

It shakes all the way into the steering wheel and sometimes enough to shake anything hanging from the rear view mirror.