How do you all deal with anxiety?

Super stressed lately. I’m not sure about what I just happen to be really stressed.

I have a lot due and am slowly getting it all done. Maybe it’s the worry that I’ll fail my physics and linear algebra midterms which are worth a lot and have been told it’s really tough

I guess the other thing are the physics labs and design studios for engineering. My groups for both aren’t usually the best. For design studio my group members exclude me a lot and usually act like I’m not there and for physics I have to do everything myself in the lab without any group members help.. it doesn’t help that it ends late and I have to commute for around 2 hours to and from with an 8 am lab and ds ending at 5 pm.

The other thing I’m stressed about is coop. It’s not finding a coop as I plan to continue the one from high school but rather not really getting any time to recover from the extremely stressful year (commute + workload is crazy)

I’ve tried everything: - taking slow deep breaths - listening to calming music - talking to SAS

I’m considering seeing SWC but am worried I won’t be able to talk to them properly. I wish they had virtual options. I panic when talking to people about this stuff and tend to make fun of the situation as a coping mechanism which makes me look unserious or like someone lying or something. I don’t have any friends here that I can talk to.

The other big stress is not being able to draw due to the workload. Since I haven’t drawn since September 3rd I’ve been struggling to draw which is stressful.

Long vent over sorry for how long it was