The definitive list of woke elements
Here it can all stop pretending like you don't understand what woke means. I'll spell it out for you:
Race swaps. All of them, every time. No exceptions
Unidirectional diversity: non white places, real or fictional, can be depicted as all one race. White places, real or fictional, must be depicted as having the ethnic diversity of new york city or LA. Example: wakanda is full of black Africans, asgaurd is somehow multiracial.
Women are good/ strong, men are bad/weak. Increasingly doughy, handicapped, even pregnant women can all physically dominate groups of men. Women are stoic, battle hardened inventor mechanics who aren't interested in relationships or motherhood because thats a sterotype that harms real women somehow. Men are essentially made out of Styrofoam and possess no physical advantages in any fictional setting. Men are also typically more emotionally incontinent, cowardly and less assertive than women. Expectations subverted.
Leftist politics. Always. No exceptions. Climate activism, gun control, abortion, women, lgbt, people of color, open borders= good. America, cops, guns, Christians, men, loving ones country, border laws, hot women, hetero relationships= bad.
This has been the definitive list of woke elements. If a show, movie, book, videogame, comic has these elements, it's woke. The end.