Hello, I had some questions about china (a lot)
Firstly, I'd imagine this gotta be one of the most discussed topics in any left wing circle, so I apologize if this is repetitive. I loved the discussions I saw from this sub atp, they seem way more productive than others. Anyways, going straight to the point, I'd say the biggest argument people leverage where I live in in favour of socialism is the mere existence and development of China. However, just saying "it is working in x place" seems to me to be a bit too easily refutable, even more so in the case of China, because of two main points: 1. You can say that China isn't actually an example of successful socialism, because their development until now has been largely capitalist, and just having trust in the party that "someday it will turn socialist" isn't really a strong proposition 2. Even if China is indeed socialist and, as everyone can see with their eyes, is doing really well, their state apparatus still oppresses the masses with censorship, and that one detail shouldn't be copied. I agree with those two points, and that is where I wish to learn. It's extremely hard to push for an ideology when, in the same breath, I am saying stuff like "it just hasn't been truly tried anywhere". Theoretics are way harder to convince people than practice, after all. So then, are those two arguments false? Or are they true, and there is some other reason that socialists should still support China, despite those two characteristics? I hope this can at least spark some productive discussions, even if I am wrong ^