Physical cure
What I’m about to say might be weird, believe me I still couldn’t digest it but I can’t say it anywhere else as all the people I know are strict traditional. I’m not smoking and never tried a weed but I was so curious about mushrooms, I got two grams of B+ and made a tea and after 10 hours of being fasting I drank it all . My GF was near me , I went to a fast flash experience, saw cosmic joke and came back from the dark to extreme happiness and joy , tried so hard to remain in the trip as I wad terrified with that thing that nothing matters but when I wanted my Mon and my family it showed me that we exist and life is beautiful. But the thing I’m about to say goes back to my spinal problem, I have severe disk bulge and getting muscle spasms so bad , at the mornings I get a bad stiff back and when I stand up suddenly I struggle. Right after the trip I noticed that my back ease but I couldn’t believe it now after a week in work i see Im not struggling anymore, the weird part is that at the end of my trip I cried so hard and told my girlfriend “ It cured me “ but I didn’t know what i was talking about!! Am I dreaming? Anyone else having this kind of experience? Please tell me