I figured her out

This woman got married WAY too young, started popping out babies way too young and here she is, mid 30’s re living what would’ve been her fun 20’s. So she talks like a valley girl, is in love with her slim figure, runs out of town on her little ME trips, etc… she’s like having a mid life crisis but she’s like 36😂😂 everything about her lately screams “I have moneeeey and my life is perfect” and you just know it’s not. If we’ve learned anything from these “everything’s great” influencers… everything is FAR from great.

This woman got married WAY too young, started popping out babies way too young and here she is, mid 30’s re living what would’ve been her fun 20’s. So she talks like a valley girl, is in love with her slim figure, runs out of town on her little ME trips, etc… she’s like having a mid life crisis but she’s like 36😂😂 everything about her lately screams “I have moneeeey and my life is perfect” and you just know it’s not. If we’ve learned anything from these “everything’s great” influencers… everything is FAR from great.