Can someone give me . . . . please finalize your post with "got it thanks"

I see a lot of posts asking for things (usually weapons or certain schematics), I look at them, and after a few lines, they end with something like (insert game name #3465678) by several users wanting to help.

Please end your post with a nice 'thanks, got it (t them)' so everyone that is thinking of generously helping you doesn't waste time posting continuously, giving random online times, names etc.

Lost of the weapon posts are for weapons given in Battle Pass(s) and long stopped. I kinda ignore the 'can someone help me with all the schematics' but know the feeling of needing just that one and it never drops.

Remember blueprinted drops are only good for your contraband stash and will only unlock the base weapon for your inventory (not the blueprinted version that has to be purchased)

Mystery box is a cruel mistress. You will spend hours of game time and essence, hoping ye random gods feel sorry for you. Take the drop from another player.