MM Romance between duty-driven characters

Hi. i recently watched Pixar's Elemental and one thing i really like about the romance is how much Ember's character is driven by duty and responsibility. Reminds me of Bridgerton's Anthony's character. So, i want to read an mm romance where the Male Leads feel really noble. Where they are driven by some kind of duty or loyalty to something. This could be a character flaw. Like, they won't live for themselves or something and they overcome it because they just love the other so much.

But, there are two things i don't want to see. No insta-attraction. As in no bar hookups or sex before they get together. No mentions of what a great or sexy body they have. I don't want this romance to be based on looks in any way. Saying the other is beautiful is fine once they start to get to know each other but that should be their first thought once they meet.

This one has a little more leeway. The "i can't be with him because i'm not allowed to be with a man" trope. It is way to prevalent. I know that can be used for characters that are obsessed with duty but i would prefer if being gay or bi was just not a big deal. But, i guess that's not an absolute requirement.

So, is there anything like this? Can anyone recommend anything? Any recs would be appreciated.