The Long Game vs Heated Rivalry; commitment, intimate exploration and domestic bliss or passion, fervor and the delight of falling in love?
Recently reread The Long Game and came to realize how much I actually love it. I enjoyed my first read of Heated Rivalry years ago but after coming to reddit and seeing how favored it was, I was surprised and a bit disappointed that I share those same opinions. I have reread it multiple times and though my appreciation grew upon each subsequent read, it grew exponentially after my last read of The Long Game which cemented for me how much I adore reading romances around established couples.
The joy I feel when reading about established couples comes from taking a peek at the MCs domestic life- their every day that spans for months if not years. It provides a great picture into what their future holds- how they'll approach conflict, the kinds of sacrifices they will make, the habits they'll fall into, the things they'll be perceptive to and those they'll ignore while in a committed relationship. I could go on and on. Honestly. I, like many people, am enticed by the passion, lust and infatuation of new lovers, but I don't think it will ever beat the warmth and gentle care shown in a couple who have become used to each other- whose partner have integrated themselves into the others life so fully that they move as one.
Reading The Long Game made me appreciate Heated Rivalry so much more because I know how the relationship will turn out and I love the tiny peek that it gave me into their distant future; when they are 50 and long since retired from hockey-maybe coaching or writing books, or in their 70s settled into a cabin together enjoying their blissful moments day-after-day. Not to mention Ilya is amazing and his character was explored beautifully in TLG.
I'm curious to hear what everyone else thinks. Do you derive great pleasure from reading a couple falling in love or a couple settling into a relationship? What is your favorite aspect of the answer you chose? Lastly, which do you prefer- Heated Rivalry or The Long Game?